Sunday, May 1, 2011

Life Update

Found out a few days ago that I could have gestational diabetes. I have to go in Thursday and do the 3 hour glucose test. I was kind of starting to wonder if I had it anyway, cause every time I would eat a lot of sugar, I would just feel funny. Almost like I was shaking, but I wasn't. I guess my sugar after the first test was up to 170 and should be below 140, so I'm pretty sure the second test is going to be positive too. We have diabetes in our family and my twin sister had gestational diabetes in her second pregnancy too, and not her first. Since I found out, I've been trying to follow the diet as well as I can from what I've looked up online. Apparently they will give me a more specific diet when they find out what my sugars are doing. It's hard though. I don't know how diabetic people do it. I'm not a big protien fan, so eating a lot of protien is not fun for me. I love fruit, and yogurt, and cereal. You can't eat any of that very much on the diet. No pastries either (obviously), and that's what my cravings have been for this pregnancy. I love cinnamon rolls and danishes, mmmm, but there will be no more of that. Even if my diagnosis comes out negative, I think I will try to stick to a lower carb diet, because having that high of sugar scares me a little. I don't want to harm this baby, and I don't want to end up with diabetes any time soon. Lot's of people with gestational diabetes develop diabetes 5 to 10 years after the pregnancy. Exercising and eating healthy can help ward it off longer, so I think I will be doing a lot of that. It sort of doesn't make sense to me that my parents had 5 daughters, and the only 2 that haven't abused their bodies (drug use, anorexia, and not exercising regularly) are the 2 that end up with gestational diabetes. It just doesn't seem right. It scares me to find out this late in pregnancy if I have it. I probably shouldn't be reading stories about it, but who wouldn't. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to stillbirth. I couldn't handle that. Here's to hoping everything turns out normal and eating healthier.
On another note, Todd is starting a new job at Fidelity with insurance at the end of May. This is a huge relief to us cause we were freaking out a little with the baby not being covered if something were to happen and he had to stay at the hospital longer than expected, or if I ended up needing a C-secton.
Todd has always been a people person. He just has a way with people, and everyone loves him. He went in for an interview in a position that everyone starts out in, and got it. He is a regional manager right now, so that looked good on his resume. A lady hiring for a higher position saw it and decided to interview him even though they always hire internally for this position. He interviewed, and got it. He really loves his job now, granted he is out of town about once a month, but he has a lot more freedom and the potential of making a lot more money, but we really need the insurance Fidelity is offering. He's taking the job at Fidelity, and still going to be working on the side with the job he's at now. He will be busy, but we don't really have a choice. After the baby comes, and we don't need the insurance so much, I'm pretty sure Todd will be going back to the position he's in now. The only thing that would stop that is if the company he's at goes under. I don't see that happening any time soon though.
Somehow things always work out. I'm just greatful we have these good opportunities to choose from. Some people aren't that lucky.
I'm still working at the Post Office every Saturday, and doing BPO's during the week. They usually keep me pretty busy, except the past couple weeks it has been slow. I'm really glad the mail is pretty light in the spring/summer, otherwise I'd probably be in a lot of pain. It's getting harder and harder to lift things around that truck, and everytime I drop a letter I kick myself ;). If I can make it through the hot summer, I will be golden. I want to get my real estate license too, but with work being slow, we don't have the money to front for the class right now. The class is about $500 and then it's about $800 a year to keep it active. Once work pics back up, I will do that and hopefully be making more money. I have had some ups and downs at the post office, and I have thought about quitting a lot. The only thing stopping me is the money. It pays better than any job I've had before, and it's really nice to have the extra money. It's about $600 take home a month just for working 4 days a month. Not too bad. The other thing is if I stay there long enough and get a regular position, it has great benefits, and pays even more. The job's really not hard, just when you're pregnant. Hopefully I can stick it out that long. One of my biggest concerns is it being way too hot this summer. There is no AC in those trucks, and the sun beats down in the big windows. Last summer, I was always so sweaty, and it's going to be so much worse this year. My legs are probably going to swell up pretty bad. Using the bathroom is a hassle also, cause you have to drive somewhere that's not on your route and lock everything up. That could be a problem in a month or so too. Anyway, that's what's going on with us right now. I haven't updated for a while so this ended up being really long. Sorry.

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