Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Daxtons first campiing trip

We went camping the last weekend of June to Flaming Gorge. We bought a tent trailer right before we went because it was supposed to rain and boy were we glad we did. It rained Thursday night, almost all day Friday and all night Friday night. Despite the rain, we had a good time and Daxton did awesome. He even got to wear his swimming suit.......He didn't swim at all, but he wore it :)

I am no good at keeping this updated...sorry

This year has been a whirl wind so far. Daxton is growing up so fast. He is smiling a ton and is starting to try to laugh. He has also found his hands and sucks on them like crazy. He is very strong and likes to be standing up or sitting up most of the time and holds his head up really well. He also loves to wiggle! He is getting a little bit older and things have been a lot easier. He actually slept for 6 hours at a time one night and is now consistantly sleeping for 4 hours at a time at the beginning of the night. It has been so nice. Anyway, here are some new pics. Hope you like them!