Sunday, May 1, 2011


26 weeks

22 weeks (leg)

22 weeks

Yep, we named him already. Actually really or friend John named him. Ha ha ha. We were having a really hard time thinking of a name. We had a lot that we liked, but nothing was really sticking out to us. John has a 6 month old named Westin and just joking said what about Easton? Well, we love it so thanks John! Also I wanted to add that my original due date was August 8th, but after our 2nd appt, my Dr moved it up to the 4th, so the ticker on the side is four days off. Not like it really matters that much cause the baby will come when he's ready. It's just every time I see it I find myself subtracting 4 days. :) I just don't want to take the effort to change it. The pictures I added are backwards too, but don't want to change that either. Really, I think the baby looks a lot like Daxton did in his 3D pics. I'm pretty sure Easton has Todds nose. Daxton looked like he did in his 3D pics and he really does. I love that you can get an idea of what they look like in there. Technology is great.

1 comment:

John, Amanda and Clara said...

I love the name! Those pics are amazing! I think he looks like dax too. I can't believe you are almost done!