Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Finally a Halloween picture

Well here it is, a picture of his Halloween costume, just like I promised. :) The other is one in his stroller. He loves just putting his legs up and loungin'. Also, we had some snow in Texas. This was Daxton's first snow. Ha ha ha, he doesn't even realize it though. We are all doing really well. Todd passed his Series 7 exam last Saturday and is now studying for his Series 63 that he will test for this Saturday. After that I might actually get to spend a little time with him. It's been nothing but studying around here lately. It has been really cold here. I think the high today is 39. I know Utah is colder but for Texas, 39 is COLD! Daxton is doing really good. He is not crawling yet, just army crawling. That's good enough though cause it gets him everywhere he wants to go.... and into everything he wants to get in to. He has also started to sit up on his own and yesterday started pulling himself up to things. He pulls himself up to his toy box and tries to get his toys out. Today, his toy box was next to the couch so he turned and was standing up to the couch. Then, he let go and fell over backwards. Woops! He doesn't get the concept of falling on his bottom yet. Todd and I got gym memberships and have been trying to go as much as possible. I want to get back in shape after having Daxton. Todd wants to stay in shape because he has a desk job now and they like to give them lots of junk food. We went and took pictures for Christmas cards which will be coming out in the mail shortley. I didn't want to post any and ruin the surprise though.

1 comment:

Tatum Wheeler said...

I didn't think you ever got out of shape! You have always had a great body but I am proud of you for working out anyways!