Friday, October 30, 2009


So obviously it's been a while. Well, there is a lot to say. We moved to Texas about a month and a half ago. We wanted some warmer weather and it looks like we got out just in time. It has already snowed in Utah and is pretty cold from what I've heard. I think we came down on a bad year though, because it has been raining like every other day. This is the most rain Texas has seen since 1994. Daxton is doing good. He is starting to scoot around on the floor. He is even starting to learn how to put his knees up under him. It won't be long and he'll be crawling all over the house. He is 6 months already.....halfway to a year, I can't believe it. Todd just found a new job working for TD Ameritrade. He is getting back into the broker world. He will have to take his series 7 and 63 again so the next month or so he will be very busy working and studying. So far, the verdict is that we like Utah better. Texas is too busy and has way too many people (at least this part of Texas). They also have traffic EVERYWHERE! Even when we go out at night...there is traffic. Also, most of our friends and family are in Utah and even the better weather doesn't make up for that. I think we are just bored. We used to have things to do and people to hang out with and now we mostly just stay home. I guess I'm just bored. For halloween, Daxton is going to be a frog. His costume is so cute. I will put a pic up. Happy Halloween tomorrow everyone!

1 comment:

Tatum Wheeler said...

hopefully that means you will come back some day:)