Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's Snowing.....Again.

Playing in the snow for the first time :)

He was having a hard time moving because his snow suit was WAY too big. It will probably fit him better next year.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Playing on the pool table at Grandpa and Beths

We actually had snow for Christmas!

Dad and baby's new hats

So excited for new wrapping paper!

Mom and baby

Christmas Eve, Daxton got some new PJ's

We had a really good Christmas. It is so much funner with a kid that we can spoil, even though he isn't old enough to know what's going on yet. We actually got snow for Christmas here in Texas. We were saying before we moved that it would be perfect to have snow for Christmas, but for it to melt right after, and that's exactly what happened. It was pretty cool. Daxton wasn't too interested in the presents. He mostly wanted to get down and practice his new skill.... crawling. Overall, it was really nice. Kind of weird not having most of the family around, but really good anyway. Happy New Year everyone!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas.

I will post some more pictures after today is over, but Daxton started crawling yesterday and the day before so I thought everyone would want to see it. Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Here's to Another Year!

December 10th was our 4 year anniversary. The last year has been amazing and a lot has changed. We have an adorable little boy for one. We are both loving being parents. We sold our house and moved to Texas. We will be back though. You never know for sure until you try... right :). Todd changed jobs and by the way, passed his last test to become a stock broker again today. Congrats Todd! and yeah for me cause he doesn't have to study ALL the time anymore. I quit my job to be a stay at home mom. Also, we moved to Texas so I couldn't really keep in anyway. Overall, it's been awesome. We are having fun and are still so much in love. For our anniversary...... ha ha ha, we went to Chili's. Todd tried planning a romantic evening but I accidentally wrecked the plans by saying I would rather go somewhere cheap so we could save money. Woops! Oh well, we had fun anyway. I think it's more about enjoying each others company than how much your food costs anyway.
On another note, Daxton seems to be learning sooo fast. The last few weeks it's been one thing after another. I swear he's going to be walking before we know it. He has learned to sit up, stand up to things, drink from a sippie cup, drink from a straw, and is learning how to eat finger foods. If he gets the food between his pointer finger and thumb, he can get it in his mouth no problem, but if it gets stuck anywhere else on his hand, he can't get it to his mouth. He gets so frustrated. Very cute! Here are some pics of Daxton showing off his new skills. This first one, he is trying to climb the gait. He climbs EVERYTHING!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Finally a Halloween picture

Well here it is, a picture of his Halloween costume, just like I promised. :) The other is one in his stroller. He loves just putting his legs up and loungin'. Also, we had some snow in Texas. This was Daxton's first snow. Ha ha ha, he doesn't even realize it though. We are all doing really well. Todd passed his Series 7 exam last Saturday and is now studying for his Series 63 that he will test for this Saturday. After that I might actually get to spend a little time with him. It's been nothing but studying around here lately. It has been really cold here. I think the high today is 39. I know Utah is colder but for Texas, 39 is COLD! Daxton is doing really good. He is not crawling yet, just army crawling. That's good enough though cause it gets him everywhere he wants to go.... and into everything he wants to get in to. He has also started to sit up on his own and yesterday started pulling himself up to things. He pulls himself up to his toy box and tries to get his toys out. Today, his toy box was next to the couch so he turned and was standing up to the couch. Then, he let go and fell over backwards. Woops! He doesn't get the concept of falling on his bottom yet. Todd and I got gym memberships and have been trying to go as much as possible. I want to get back in shape after having Daxton. Todd wants to stay in shape because he has a desk job now and they like to give them lots of junk food. We went and took pictures for Christmas cards which will be coming out in the mail shortley. I didn't want to post any and ruin the surprise though.

Friday, October 30, 2009


So obviously it's been a while. Well, there is a lot to say. We moved to Texas about a month and a half ago. We wanted some warmer weather and it looks like we got out just in time. It has already snowed in Utah and is pretty cold from what I've heard. I think we came down on a bad year though, because it has been raining like every other day. This is the most rain Texas has seen since 1994. Daxton is doing good. He is starting to scoot around on the floor. He is even starting to learn how to put his knees up under him. It won't be long and he'll be crawling all over the house. He is 6 months already.....halfway to a year, I can't believe it. Todd just found a new job working for TD Ameritrade. He is getting back into the broker world. He will have to take his series 7 and 63 again so the next month or so he will be very busy working and studying. So far, the verdict is that we like Utah better. Texas is too busy and has way too many people (at least this part of Texas). They also have traffic EVERYWHERE! Even when we go out at night...there is traffic. Also, most of our friends and family are in Utah and even the better weather doesn't make up for that. I think we are just bored. We used to have things to do and people to hang out with and now we mostly just stay home. I guess I'm just bored. For halloween, Daxton is going to be a frog. His costume is so cute. I will put a pic up. Happy Halloween tomorrow everyone!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Daxtons first campiing trip

We went camping the last weekend of June to Flaming Gorge. We bought a tent trailer right before we went because it was supposed to rain and boy were we glad we did. It rained Thursday night, almost all day Friday and all night Friday night. Despite the rain, we had a good time and Daxton did awesome. He even got to wear his swimming suit.......He didn't swim at all, but he wore it :)

I am no good at keeping this updated...sorry

This year has been a whirl wind so far. Daxton is growing up so fast. He is smiling a ton and is starting to try to laugh. He has also found his hands and sucks on them like crazy. He is very strong and likes to be standing up or sitting up most of the time and holds his head up really well. He also loves to wiggle! He is getting a little bit older and things have been a lot easier. He actually slept for 6 hours at a time one night and is now consistantly sleeping for 4 hours at a time at the beginning of the night. It has been so nice. Anyway, here are some new pics. Hope you like them!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Just Wanted to Post More Pictures

Welcome Baby Daxton

He's finally here! He was born April 30th at 1:50 pm, 7 lbs 2 oz, 20 inches. The labor was really easy. I had him about 3 hours after I got to the hospital. The nurses were all amazed that this was my first baby. So far he has been an awesome baby and only cries when he is uncomfortable or hungry. We had his pics done on Saturday and as you can see, they turned out really cute. It's definitely been a huge lifestyle change and we are not getting much sleep at this point but it's all worth it. He is so adorable!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Just Waiting...

Well I was going to put up some new pics but my cord mysteriously disappeared. Anyway, we are just over 5 weeks away from meeting Daxton. Everything is going good. The baby seems to be healthy and I am feeling ok still. At the beginning of March, I went down to part time at work. I only work about 18 hours a week now. I think that has helped me keep my sanity and health. I work in a pretty stressful environment. We are lucky enough to have Todds job pay enough to keep us afloat. We go to our last child birth class tommorrow. I can't beleive it is getting so close. I am definately ready to be done being pregnant though.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Our beautiful baby!

This is a 3D ultrasound at 23 weeks. He is already so cute!

Sorry I never get on here

I know I've been saying I'm going to post some pics so here they are. I feel like I am getting huge. It's almost been 4 weeks since that last one. Oh well though, it's all for a good reason. These pics are 10 weeks, 14 weeks, 18 weeks, and 22 weeks.