Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving and Snow

We had a great Thanksgiving, and it's been super cold here. We have had lots of snow already, and with Todd out of town so much, I've been doing a lot of shoveling. Daxton loves the snow. Now evertime he says outside, he adds "burr". He is getting so big and learning new words everyday. A couple days ago, he wanted some candy so he climbed on my lap and says, "candy, please, yes." While he said it, he nods yes and smiles his big missing tooth smile.... How can you resist that. Needless to say, he got some candy.
He's getting dressed up to help mom shovel.
He has figured out how to get into our utensil drawer. They are all over the house now. :(
Ya, that's ne trying to sled down the hill in our yard on a cooler lid... it didn't work.
Daxton, me, and Titan
All bundled up

This one turned out a little blurry, but I love it. He loves to be bundled up on the couch with his cup to watch his cartoons.

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