Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good Times

Hey everyone. Welcome to our blog. We have some awesome news.....We are having a baby. It is due May 1st. We don't know if it is a boy or a girl yet so I will keep ya posted. It took us a long time to get pregnant so this is very exciting for us. I will be posting pics of my belly getting bigger and bigger. So long.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I knew there was a reason I kept checking. It will be so cool to see all your belly pics in order. I can't wait to meet the little peanut!!!

Dream come true said...

It was so great to see you! Congrats again

Becca said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Excited to follow your blog and see you're growing belly! Our Olivia was born that very day, it's a perfect time of year to have a baby! :) She'll be 2 this coming May 1st! Hope you're pregnancy is smooth as silk!

John, Amanda and Clara said...

Yeah! Your blog is up and going! We will be checking in on your belly status. I wish we could've come to dinner the other night. Having a kid changes the eating habits.....